Friday, December 18, 2020

Turbidity Curtains


Turbidity Curtains: Turbidity Curtains sometimes called floating silt curtains and turbidity barriers are floating barriers used in marine construction.Call us +1-317-588-3600.

Cable Float


Cable Float: Neptune floats are designed with tapered ends on the outside of the Pipe float or Cable float to decrease water and wind resistance. Call us +1-317-588-3600

Drive In Berm


 Drive In Berm: Drive-In Berms function as portable containment systems, environmental protection solutions, and support small equipment washing procedures. Visit us NOW!

Dredge Float


Dredge Float: Our products are ideal for dredging, mining, aquaculture or any pumping application and also they have built-in ergonomic features. Call us +1-317-588-3600

Modular Walkways


Modular Walkways: Neptune Flotation modular floating walkways and work platforms are the perfect solutions for industrial sites, including aggregate operations. The modular sections measure 5 feet by 10 feet by 15 inches, which allows for easy customization and assembly. Patent pending injection molded connectors are made of recycled tires and provide flex to allow for wave action.